So.. being the owner of this company has been a lot of hard work, dedication, interaction and so much more. To tell you a little bit about myself... my name is Brittany, I'm passionate about everything I do in life, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, I'm a hopeless romantic to the T and unfortunately I recently lost my dream job. I made some of these scrubs for fun one day because I love crafting and gifting, posted a picture of them on Instagram and instantly had people wanting to BUY them. Buy them, I thought.. wow, maybe I should actually sells these!! And, the rest is history. I've only been up and running officially for about 2 months now, but it's been so much fun and successful to my surprise. I didn't realize there was so many other people out there like me who LOVED these kinds of products!
So.. I just wanted to share with you my favorite products!
Body Polish - Lemon Lime Lip Balm - $4.00 |
The whole Mint Chocolate Chip Body Scrub Family! |
The whole Coconut Cream Pie Body Scrub Family |
Body Polish - 8 oz. Coconut Cream Pie Body Scrub - $8.00 |
Body Polish - 8 oz. Mint Chocolate Chip Body Scrub - $8.00 |